1985.09-1988.06 湖南文理学院(原常德师专) 数学专业 专科
1990.09-1993.06 华东师范大学 运筹学与控制论专业 硕士
1993.09-1996.06 中国科学院应用数学研究所 运筹学与控制论专业 博士
1988.07-1990.08 湘潭谭家山煤矿子弟中学 中学教师
1996.07-1998.07 9778818威尼斯 讲师
1998.08-2000.07 9778818威尼斯 副教授
1999.06-2007.06 9778818威尼斯 理学院/数学与计算机科学学院 数学系主任
2000.08-至今 9778818威尼斯 教授
2001.07-2002.01 香港中文大学计算机系 访问学者
2002.07-2003.01 韩国Pohang科技大学组合计算中心 访问学者
2002.09-至今 9778818威尼斯 博士生导师
2014.12-至今 9778818威尼斯 数学与计算机科学学院/9778818威尼斯 副院长
主要从事图论中的相关问题研究研究,涉及到图的最大亏格及亏格、图嵌入分布、曲面嵌入图的组合结构、图的交叉数、图的k-平面性、结构图论等。在国际专业杂志J. of Combinatorial Theory Ser. B、J. of Graph Theory、SIAM J. Discrete Mathematics、European J. of Combinatorics、Discrete Mathematics、Discrete Applied Mathematics、Graphs and Combinatorics及国内《中国科学》(数学)等刊物上发表论文100余篇。
1. Yuanqiu Huang, Licheng Zhang, Fengming Dong, A new note on 1-planar graphs with minimum degree 7, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 348(2024), 165-183.
2. Licheng Zhang, Yuanqiu Huang, On the sizes of generalized cactus graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 348(2024), 184-191.
3. Yuanqiu Huang, Licheng Zhang, Yuxi Wang, The matching extendablity of 7-connected maximumal 1-planarty graphs, Discuss. Math. Graph Theory, 44(2024).
4. Zongpeng Ding, Yuanqiu Huang, Licheng Zhang, Maximal 1-plane graphs with dominating vertices, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 457(2023), 128206.
5. Zongpeng Ding, Zhangdong Ouyang, Yuanqiu Huang, and Fengming Dong, New upper bounds for the crossing numbers of crossing-critical graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 345(2022), 113090.
6. Yuanqiu Huang, Zhangdong Ouyang, Fengming Dong. On the size of matchings in 1-planar graph with hight minimum degree, SIAM J. Discrete Mathematics,Vol.36 (4)(2022), 2570-2584.
7. Zhangdong Ouyang, Yuanqiu Huang, Fengming Dong, The maximal 1-planarity and crossing numbers of graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, 37(2021), 1333-1344.
8. Yuanqiu Huang, Zhangdong Ouyang, Fengming Dong, The sizes of bipartite 1-planar graphs, The Electronic J. of Combinatorics, 28(2)(2021), #P2.22.
9. Zhangdong Ouyang, Yuanqiu Huang, Fengming Dong, Eng Guan Tay, Zip product of graphs and crossing numbers, J. of Graph Theory, 96(2021), 289-309.
10. Yuxi Wang, Yuanqiu Huang, The crossing number of Cartesian product of 5-wheel with any tree, Discuss. Math. Graph Theory, 41(2021), 183-197.
11. Zongpeng Ding, Yuanqiu Huang, A note on the crossing number of the cone of a graph, Graphs and Combinatorics, 37(6)(2021), 2351-2363.
12. Yuanqiu Huang, Tinglei Zhao, Zongpeng Ding, Graphs whose crossing number are the same as their line graphs, Australasian J. of Combinatorics, Vol.77(2)(2020), 224-248.
13. Yuanqiu Huang, Yuxi Wang, The crossing number of K5, n+1\e, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 376(2020), 125075.
14. Jing Wang, Zhangdong Ouyang, Yuanqiu Huang, The crossing number of the hexagonal graph H3,n, Discuss. Math. Graph Theory, 39(2019), 547-554.
15. Yichao Cheng, Xiaojian Gao, Yuanqiu Huang, Enumerating unlabelled embedding digraphs, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 61(1)(2018), 55-69.
16. Zongpeng Ding, Yuanqiu Huang, The crossing number of join of some graphs with n isolated vertices, Discuss. Math. Graph Theory, 38(2018), 899-909.
17. Jing Wang, Zhangdong Ouyang, Yuanqiu Huang, The strong product of graphs and crossing numbers, Ars Combinatoria, 137(2018), 141-147.
18. Zhidong Zhou, Yuqnqiu Huang, Wang Jing, On the crossing numbers of join graph of a path or a cycle, Ars Combinatoria, 130(2017), 357-371.
19. Ting Guo, Yuanqiu Huang, Ouyan Zhangdong, embedding distributions for two graph families obtained from the dipole D3, Ars Combinatoria, 126(2016), 165-176.
20. Ouyang ZhangDong, Jing Wang, Yuanqiu Huang, The crossing number of the Cartesian product of paths with complete graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 328(2014), 71-78.
21. ZhangDong Ouyang, Jing Wang, Yuanqiu Huang, On the crossing number of K1,1,m×Pn , Science in China (Mathematics), 44(12)(2014), 1337-1342.
22. Guadong Dong, H. Ren, N. Wang, Yuanqiu Huang, Lower bound on the number of the maximum genus embedding of Kn,n, Ars Combinatoria, 108(2013), 155-159.
23. Zhangdong Ouyang, Wang Jing, Yuanqiu Huang, The degree-sum of adjacent vertices, girth and upper embeddablity,Ars Combinatoria, 109(2013), 473-483.
24. Yuanqiu Huang, Ting Guo, A note on the upper embeddibility of graphs, Science in China (Mathematics) (in Chinese), 49(2)(2012), 921-926.
25. Zhangdong Ouyang, Jing Wang, Yuanqiu Huang, On the lower bounds for the maximum genus for simple graphs, European J. of Combinatorics, 31(5)(2010), 1235-1242.
26. Zhangdong Ouyang, Yuanqiu Huang, Tang Ling, Upper embeddability, edge independence number and girth, Science in China (Mathematics), 52(9)(2009), 1939-1946.
27. Ouyang Zhangdong, Jing Wang, Yuanqiu Huang, Upper embeddability, girth and the degree-sum of nonadjacent vertices, Graphs and Combinatorics, 25(2)(2009), 253-264.
28. Yuanqiu Huang, Tinglei Zhao, The crossing number of K1,4,n, Discrete Mathematics, 308(2008), 1634-1638.
29. Zihan Yuan, Yuanqiu Huang, Ling Tang and Jingwang Liu, The crossing number of C(8,2)×Pn, Graphs and Combinatorics, 24(2008), 597-604.
30. Ling Tang, Lv Shengxiang, Yuanqiu Huang, The crossing number of Cartesian products of complete bipartite graphs with paths, Graphs and Combinatorics, 23(2007), 659-666.
31. Yuanqiu Huang, Yuming Chu, A note on the computational complete of graphs vertex partition, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 155(2007), 405-409.
32. Yuanqiu Huang, Tinglei Zhao, Maximum genus, connectivity and minimal degree of graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 300(2005), 110-119.
33. Yuanqiu Huang, Maximum genus and chromatics number of graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 271(2003), 117-127.
34. Yuanqiu Huang, Maximum genus of a graph in terms of its embedding properites, Discrete Mathematics, 263(2003), 171-180.
35. Yuanqiu Huang, Yanpei Liu, Face size and the maximum genus of a graph. Part 2: Multiple graphs, Mathematica Slovaca, 51(2)(2001), 129-140.
36. Yuanqiu Huang, Yanpei Liu, Face size and the maximum genus of graph-1. Simple graphs, J. of Combinatorial Theory Ser. B, 80(2000), 356-370.
37. Yuanqiu Huang, Yanpei Liu, On the lower bounds of the maximum genus of graphs, J. of Sys. Sci.& Math. Sci., 20(1)(2000), 124-128.
38. Yuanqiu Huang, The maximum genus on a 3-vertex-connected graph, Graphs and Combinatorics, 16(2000), 159-164.
39. Yuanqiu Huang, Yanpei Liu, Maximum genus, independent number and girth, Chinese Annals of Mathematics, 21B:1(2000), 77-82.
40. Yuanqiu Huang, Yanpei Liu, On the upper embeddablity of the planar embedding of graphs, J. of Sys. Sci.& Math. Sci., 19(4)(1999), 415-419.
41. Yuanqiu Huang, Yanpei Liu, Neighboring condition on upper embeddablity of graphs, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, Vol.22(4)(1999), 587-592.
42. Yuanqiu Huang, Yanpei Liu, The maximum genus of graphs with diameter three, Discrete Mathematics, 194(1999), 139-149.
43. Yuanqiu Huang, Almost all graphs are upper embeddable, Chinese Sci. Bull, Vol.44, No.4(1999), 368-370.
44. Yuanqiu Huang, The lower bounds of the maximum genus on graphs in terms of minimal degree, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, Vol.22(2)(1999), 193-198.
45. Yuanqiu Huang, Maximum genus and girth of graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 194 (1999), 253-259.
46. Yuanqiu Huang, Yanpei Liu, Upper embeddability of graphs, Science in China (Series A), 41(5)(1998), 498-504.
47. Yuanqiu Huang, Yanpei Liu, A property of the maximum genus of a graph, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, Vol.21(3)(1998), 477-478.
48. Yuanqiu Huang, Yanpei Liu, Embeddability of graphs and the sum of degrees of non-adjacent of vertices, Chinese Annals of Mathematics, 19A:5(1998), 651-656.
49. Yuanqiu Huang, Yanpei Liu, Maximum genus and maximum nonseparting independent set of a 3-regular graph, Discrete Mathematics, 176(1997), 149-158.
50. Yuanqiu Huang, Yanpei Liu, Some classes of upper embeddable graphs, Acta Mathematica Scientia, Vol.17(1997), 154-161.
51. Yuanqiu Huang, Yanpei Liu, Maximum genus and 2-factors of graphs, Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Vol.18(4)(1997), 425-434.
湖南省政协委员,农工党湖南省省委常委,农工党9778818威尼斯委员会主委,中国运筹学会理事,中国组合数学与图论学会理事,湖南省运筹学学会副理事长(2011年-2022年),湖南省数学学会常务理事,国际学术刊物Inter. J. of Mathematica Combintorics编委。